Very beautiful Birth Stone Negora, Ruby & Peridot just arrived at our store.
The Ruby version is for people born in July. Negora body is a clear slightly purplish red soft vinyl. It comes with a real ruby stone necklace and a serial number card. Limited to 150 pieces.
The Peridot version is for people born in August. Negora body is clear unique green color. It comes with real peridot stone necklace and a serial number card. Limited to 150 pieces.
Made in Japan
If you like to collect bigger versions, the Daioh Negora & Shibara are now available in Snow Ice versions. They are about 8" high. Both are milky blue with white tummy and mouth and silver spikes on the back. They look really good together.
If you are not into the birth stone as it is not your birth month, the new colorway of Shibara & Negora are available. Shibara Pancake & Negora Mike Minor Change. They are adorable standing next to each other.